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What I Love About Boston University’s PR Program as a Transfer Student

Public Relations Senior, Charley Hart

I transferred to Boston University’s College of Communication in January of 2023, entering the second semester of my junior year of college. I transferred to BU because I wanted a change. I was not enjoying the PR program at my last school as much as I wanted to, and I had heard that BU has a prestigious PR program. After almost two full semesters at BU, I have found many things that I love about BU’s PR Program.

The sheer amount of awesome resources available to students is what I love most about BU’s program. My favorite resource at BU is the Career Center, which is incredibly helpful to students, with appointments available for help on your resume, interviews, and LinkedIn profile and other resources like career guides and FAQs. COM’s Career Center has events like workshops that are meant to help students build their professional profiles, helping them succeed in their career after graduation.

There are also so many classes with a wide range of topics that supply students with the tools and knowledge to succeed in PR. There are amazing and helpful professors at BU who are eager to help us grow and be a resource for us in the future. They want to see us succeed and are willing to help with that. I am extremely excited to take CM 580, PR Lab, next semester and gain real world experience in PR while in the academic sphere. After coming from a school where I took other classes in public relations, I feel that BU’s classes help one adequately prepare for the real world by providing hands-on learning experiences.

There are so many ways to get involved with PR and communications in general at BU, even if you are not part of an executive board. You can be a part of the PR team for an extracurricular activity or join communications clubs like AdClub and professional fraternities.

I highly recommend joining BU’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. It is a great way to learn more about the public relations industry and network with guest speakers, faculty, and peers. As a transfer, PRSSA has also helped me make connections and find a similar minded community.

Overall, BU’s College of Communication is an amazing place to get a PR education and I am so excited to see what else I do while at BU with the help of my professors and peers. Transferring has been hard, but I really love and appreciate everything that COM has offered me so far.

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